
6 Unique Content Ideas to Boost Your Website’s Value & Link-Worthiness

The “build great content” advice is clearly overused, but for good reason – great content attracts great links and the invaluable attention of the Linkerati. The only problem is… what makes great content? And more specifically, where can you get these content ideas? Well, I can’t solve all these issues, but I figured a short post highlighting a few of my favorite (and more unique) content techniques would be valuable.

  1. Be the News
    Because news is such an inherently link-worthy content archetype, and one that attracts lots of link attention, I like it as a content strategy. But, while reporting on the news is valuable, making the news is better. If you can “create” – literally craft – the event, media or topic that’s headline worthy, you’re in a very good spot. Being first to break the news doesn’t always get you the scoop on the web (unless you’re already an authority), but being the source does.
  2. Aggregate Interesting Data
    Does your company have access to proprietary information about a market, a service, a group of people or an event? If so, you’ve got the opportunity to slice and dice that information and present it in ways that will draw the web’s interest. The more compelling your data deconstruction and analysis, and the prettier your visualizations, the more links and attention you’ll earn.
  3. Visualize Someone Else’s Data
    OK, so you don’t have access to some incredibly cool information source that will bring in the links. Never fear! You don’t need to own the data to earn links and mentions from analysis and visualization. There are literally millions of data sources publicly available on the web, and in many industries, there may even be opportunities to scrape data (legally) or barter/trade/buy data from the organization that does control it.
  4. Make Your Niche Social
    Even though it may seem that the Web2.0 era is maturing, there’s still a ton of opportunity to create a mouthpiece or UGC platform in arenas that are currently missing them. You don’t need to be the next Digg or Reddit or Facebook for your industry; in fact, you might even benefit from thinking smaller and more niche. What about becoming a catalog of simple votes on issues affecting your world or providing a micro-feedback or rating system for brands, services, companies or people in your ecosystem? The beauty of UGC is that all those people who contribute will be more likely to share your platform once they have – it’s an inherent human trait to want to show off anything you’ve contributed to, and UGC is no different.
  5. Host the Controversy
    Many brand are afraid of creating controversy for links, and for good reason. But, you don’t need to be the source of controversy to benefit from it. Take two opposing sides in your niche and let them duke it out – on your blog/site. Highlight the different viewpoints without taking sides (or do take sides once it’s over, if you’re willing) and you can become the “media outlet” that earns all the links from the attention others are creating for you.
  6. Track Your Ecosphere
    Are there dozens of blogs and sites already competing for attention in your space? If so, you might benefit greatly by becoming the signal to noise filter for your industry. Instead of worrying about generating the content, just take what everyone else is saying (either manually or using intelligent, automated collection and filtering system a la Techmeme) and become the single, “best” outlet for what’s being produced. Becoming a leader in the attention filtering space has tremendous opportunity and it’s something I think we’re going to see more and more of in the web’s future.

Any favorite “great content” tactics you like to use to build value?

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